A unique event will take place on Warsaw's Poniatówka beach on September 18th - the first edition of the Jabłonki Swawole Food and Music Festival. The participants will get to enjoy some great food, concerts and theatrical performances. The event is part of the #Jabłonki...

In every corner shop in Poland you can find at least a few types of apples on sale: sour, sweet, crispy, soft, juicy, hard, etc. There is much discussion going on about the superiority of some types over others. Each kind has its devoted admirers...

What do we know about the largest orchard of Europe? Polish orchards amount to approximately 30% of all orchards in the EU. And that despite the fact, that the acreage of Poland amounts to barely 7% of the acreage of the entire EU! Therefore, Poland really...

Did you know? In Greek mythology a tree covered with golden apples was a symbol of fertility and immortality.When the world was ruled by emperors, kings, and tzars, a golden apple constituted a royal insignia symbolising power over the entire world. The ruler would hold it...

On September 28th, grateful to nature and Poland's finest fruit growers, we celebrate the time of the Jabłonki (Apple Trees) that so generously bless our Polish land....

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