01.07 mysłowice | 22.07 TORUŃ | 05.08 Ustka | 19.08 racibórz | 30.09 surprise city


01.07.2023 r.


22.07.2023 r.
Arek Kłusowski
Natalia Szroeder


05.08.2023 r.
Faustyna Maciejczuk
Natalia Szroeder


19.08.2023 r.:
Vito Bambino

30 September

Wait for it 😉
Jabłonki Swawole 2023


01 JULY 2023 | SŁUPNA PARK | program

12:00 - Start of the Apple Festival

Time for entertainment, food, and crafts - opening of play areas, workshops, and delights.

Making flower wreaths

Creating straw spiders

Candle making

Bubbles, quizzes, coloring, magical wreaths for the youngest ones

The taste of sweet and savory dishes will be enriched by products from Vortumnus - the Festival's partner

14:00 - Tree Planting - we plant apple trees and give them names

16:30 - Grand Opening - let the music begin

17:00 - Concert with NITA

18:00 - Break for balloon flying - high, but not far

18:30 - Concert with LUNA

20:00 - Concert with IGO

21:30 - Chill time, lights dimming

22:00 - Farewell to our apple tree planting guests


The partner of the Jabłonki Swawole Festival is the Vortumnus company.



Sandomierz 2023

This is how we had fun in magical Sandomierz, where we celebrated Polish atmosphere, rhythms, flavors and smells with music and food. Meanwhile, on July 1, 2023, we invite you to Mysłowice for the next part of playing and apple-growing!

Let the world hear of the land of the apple blossoms!

Krzewimy polską naturę w mieście
i na świecie.

Join us! 

Plant your own apple tree!

Just as Japan is known as the land of the cherry blossoms, so is Poland, the land of the blooming apple trees. It brings to mind the tasty, healthy apples and mesmerising beauty of the old orchards drowning in apple blossoms. Planting white and red blooming apple trees next to each other can be a perfect way of promoting Poland, not only due to the blossoms’ charm. Blooming apple trees make the world seem a magical place, and the admiring passers-by are welcome to return in autumn to collect their fruit. But apple trees do much more than just share their beauty and healthy fruit with us. On a sunny day, they provide some shade to those tired of strolling in the heat. They encourage them to take a break for a moment of reflection. One can only imagine what a wonderful symbol of Poland apple trees are – not only in the spring, when covered in white and red blossoms.

Cities and Apple Trees

Apple trees accentuate the beauty of urban landscapes, going hand in hand with small architecture.
They make the image of a city more appealing.
They attract tourism.
Provide perfect background for pictures.
Create the image of a green and nature-friendly city.
Provide food for birds and bees.
Promote a healthy lifestyle.

Health from Apple Trees

Trees and forest plants release to the atmosphere organic compounds known as phytoncides. These volatile, aromatic substances do wonders for human health. The presence of trees improves our mood, prolongs our youth, and promotes regeneration processes within our bodies.

Improve the ability to manage emotions.
Increase creativity and productivity, as well as help improve memory.
They reduce stress hormone levels and help with anxiety and fatigue. Apple trees work miracles for our mood.
They give us an energy boost.
They help us to focus.
They improve our sleep quality.

Apple Trees For Poland

Promoting Poland

Apple trees are a living and virtually indestructible monument to the good relations between our land and other countries.


Apple trees shall visit those who did not yet have an opportunity to visit Poland. They will be a constant reminder, encouraging everyone to take this worthy trip.


Apple trees shall ensure that nature, ecology, beauty, and health are amongst the first things that come to mind in connection with Poland


W 8 krokach.

Ostrożnie wyjmij drzewko z przesyłki.

Namocz korzenie w czystej wodzie. W wiaderku, do wysokości korzeni.

Umieść sadzonkę w przygotowanym dołku, wymieszaj istniejące podłoże z żyzną ziemią kwiatową lub kompostową.

Zasyp do wysokości miejsca uszlachetniania.

Solidnie udepcz ziemię wokół.

Obficie podlej drzewko.

Przymocuj młode drzewko do podpory.

Ciesz się pięknym drzewkiem i kwiatami, już od wczesnej wiosny.

Uwaga: minimalna odległość między drzewkami to 2m.

in Toruń

in Toruń

TORUŃ/ ZAMEK KRZYŻACKI (free admission, entry from the gate on Przedzamcze 1 street) – 09.07.2022



TORUŃ/ ZAMEK KRZYŻACKI (free admission, entry from the gate on Przedzamcze 1 street) – 09.07.2022

Tasting zone 2.30 pm – 11.30 pm
- sponsors' stands
- catering stands
- workshops of braiding garlands and making apple blossoms
- music by DJ S.W.I.M

Music zone 6.30 pm – 11.30 pm
- 6.30 pm Start
- 6.50 pm STARLESS
- 7.40 pm IVY
- 10.20 pm RETROSPHERE
- 11.20 pm End

Jabłonski event – by the statue of Mikołaj Kopernik followed by a parade along the streets of the Old Square down to the Teutonic Castle (place of event).

6 pm - Parade of drummers from DUO DRUMS with participation of Jabłonki


The City of Toruń is the festival's official partner 

in Giżycko

in Giżycko

GIŻYCKO - PLAŻA MIEJSKA (free admission) - 23.07.2022

PROGRAM | Giżycko


GIŻYCKO - PLAŻA MIEJSKA (free admission) - 23.07.2022

Tasting zone 2 pm – 11 pm
- sponsors' stands
- catering stands
- artistic handicraft stand: workshops of braiding garlands and making apple blossoms
- music by DJ S.W.I.M

Music zone 6 pm – 11 pm
- 6 pm Start
- 8.10 pm MEEK, OH WHY?
- 11. pm End

Jabłonki event on the Market Square in Giżycko followed by a parade down to the Jabłonki Swawole festival area.

- 6 pm: Parade of drummers from DUO DRUMS with participation of Jabłonki?

The City of Giżycko City is the festival's official partner

in Sandomierz

in Sandomierz

SANDOMIERZ, PLAC JANA PAWŁA II (free admission) - 06.08.2022

PROGRAM | Sandomierz


SANDOMIERZ, PLAC JANA PAWŁA II (free admission) - 06.08.2022

Tasting zone 2 pm – 11 pm
- sponsors' stands
- catering stands
- workshops of braiding garlands and making apple blossoms
- music by DJ S.W.I.M

Music zone 5.50 pm  - 11 pm
- 5.50 pm  Start
- 6 pm DYM
- 6.50 pm LUNA
- 11.pm End

Jabłonki event at the Old Town Square in Sandomierz followed by a parade down to the Jabłonki Swawole festival area.

5 pm: Parade with participation of The Orchestra on the Big Bike, DYM, drummers from Duo Drums with the participation of Jabłonki.

The City of Sandomierz is the festival's official partner.


IGO & NATALIA SZROEDER |  Jabłonki. I want to dance all night with you.

Immerse yourself in the world of Jabłonki, a world of unusual rhythms, tastes and smells. Come with us to celebrate Polish nature and culture with music and food.
Here’s our new music video sung and recorded especially for the Jabłonki Swawole Food & Music Apple Festival, which will take place this summer in 3 picturesque Polish cities – Toruń, Giżycko and Sandomierz

Rejoice, be merry, enjoy, taste

In JABŁONKI season partake celebrate

Bitamina | Jabłonki – Niech no tylko zakwitną jabłonie


Świat nie jest taki zły. A gdy na drzewkach pysznią się i czerwienią gotowe do zbioru soczyste owoce, z każdym dniem wydaje się piękniejszy. Zapraszamy na ucztę dla zmysłów. Przed państwem oficjalny przebój Festiwalu #Jabłonki Swawole 2021!

Jabłonki „I love you, my love” – Maanam & The Dumplings

Listen to the story of The Three Apple Sisters – beautiful, slender, and mysterious – who for centuries practiced their magical powers in Polish orchards. It is down to their charm, love of nature, and care that Polish apples became a treat sought after around the world by many. Also listen to the story of the Polish orchardist who, inspired by the legend of the Three Sisters, pours his heart and soul, knowledge and care, into his craftsmanship, so that when the harvest time comes he will be able to, once gain, find within his orchard the real treasure of the Polish land – apples whose quality, flavour, and looks are superior to any other.

And so, on September 28, we celebrate the Apple Season, grateful to nature and Polish orchardists, and grateful for the bounty which falls upon us each year from Polish apple trees.

Learn about the Legend

of the three sisters
and their secret of ethernal youth

how to rejoice and taste?

In the city

During September Orchard Celebrations a true banquet awaits those who are willing to partake. At that time restaurants are preparing menus filled with seasonal dishes where apples play the main part. If you think that an apple pie is the most that can be squeezed out from an ordinary apple then think again! Taste the lovely creamed apple soup with parsnip, almonds, and truffle oil. Where can you try that? Check out our partners!

In the orchard

There is no place more charming than an orchard full of ripe apples on a crisp September morning. Private walk, picnic for two or maybe with a larger party? Or perhaps a full blown celebration with laughter, conversations, dancing? It all depends on you. And remember – whatever happens in an orchard stays in an orchard!

Apple cook book

Apple Tastypedia

about Jabłonki celebrations


Warsaw restaurants join in the Orchard Celebrations #Jabłonki


Najbardziej intrygujący utwór tego lata!

Oui chef



Warsaw restaurants join in the Orchard Celebrations #Jabłonki

K Mag Magazyn

The Dumplings cover the famous Maanam hit. And all for a good cause!


The Dumplings covering "Kocham cię, kochanie moje" by Maanam. Curious how it sounds as a more electronic version?

Sady Ogrody

#Jabłonki – fascinating initiative promoting Poland abroad

Nowy marketing

The Dumplings performing an intriguing cover in connection to the #Jabłonki campaign


The Dumplings perform a fantastic cover of the classic Maanam hit

Echo dnia

Apple Food Truck by the Vistula in Sandomierz on Sunday. Lots of treats to be tasted!

All about music

The Dumplings covering a Maanam hit

Show off your culinary talents! Prepare a sweet or savoury dish with the use of apples.

The apple trees atlas

Learn about the legendary Polish apples.

Apple Orchards Whisperers

Why is the Polish apple the best?

The largest orchard of Europe

Polish apples in numbers

In Greek mythology

a tree covered with golden apples was a symbol of fertility and immortality.

Golden Apple

When the world was ruled by emperors, kings, and tzars, a golden apple constituted a royal insignia symbolising power over the entire world. The ruler would hold it in his right hand, close to their heart.

Love Fortune

Apples were also used to determine whether one should be lucky in love. In Poland a particular fortune telling connected with apples and love was popular on St Catherine and St Andrew’s night – one had to peel an apple so that to obtain the longest apple peel possible. It was then thrown down and the letter of the alphabet it would resemble was to be the first letter of the name of the future spouse.

Symbol of Sin

In the Christian tradition an apple is a symbol of sin – the fruit picked against the will of the Creator in the garden of Eden by Eve. It is interesting to note that the Bible does not talk about an apple. It uses the word ‘fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil’. The fruit started to be depicted in the form of an apple in medieval and renaissance paintings, probably in connection with the pagan fertility rituals that were strongly connected with apples.

Are apples evil?

In Latin, the word ‘apple’ is easily confused with the word ‘evil’, completely in contrary to the nature of this wonderful fruit

Where does it trot to at night…

Hedgehogs do not carry apples on their backs, as it is commonly depicted. It is an old myth and the motif of a hedgehog carrying an apple dates as far back as ancient times. You can also come across it in medieval sources.

Newton’s apple

If it wasn’t for an apple falling on Newton’s head he’d never have come up with the theory of gravity. Of course we are talking about a legend. It is possible, however, that observation of apples falling off the trees inspired the scientist to begin his research.

To the fairest of them all

An apple is also known as a source of conflict. Just like the one inscribed with „to the fairest of them all” which was thrown by the goddess Eris on Thetis’s wedding reception in front of Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena. The incident went as far as being referred to the Olympus with the intervention of Zeus proving indispensable. The entire commotion around ‘the apple of discord’ lead to the Trojan war.


What can be heard in the orchard?

Contact us!

Are you organizing an event?

See, how to show #Jabłonki and how to write about them.

Instagram orchard

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